Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sofs is me, je suis Sophie Marcoux

Check out my new home on etsy under

I love it...the whole community, the items....I still can't beleive what people can make with their own two hands! To me it shows that we are still capable and that we don't rely on the "machine' for our every move...yeah yeah yeah....!

This is my first blog so please bare with me because I might be way off target!

I will try to do this news bit in both French/English...comme ca vous allez pouvoir avoir des nouvelles 'a la bilingue'!! Bien sur je suis aussi sur facebook et flickr...comme je suis contemporaine, ne trouvez vous pas??!

OK out...if I want to have enough time to manage all accounts in my life I have to put time limits on each activities....the only one I have a harder time to put limits on is 'being mommy'.... By the way my 2 favorite people in the whole world: Stephanie Chocolat et Gabrielle Caramel are doing sooo good! Gaby just had her 'sucy' taken away by the wonderful 'sucy fairies' and she is doing as good as we could expect! what a big girl she is....

OK-OK -see here time limits-I have to respect them....time to go work on!

Later gators
keep life simple....


Kiszi said...

Ok so I got two of these wonderful aprons at Christmas, for my boys and they LOVE THEM!! The reversible idea is magnificent and wear and tear on them is too!

One minute they are baking a cake with me and the next, painting and drawer with their favorite tools available in the pockets of the apron. Really handy and practical for Mom's and kids.

Can't wait to see your next creations - good luck with your venture!!

Sofs said...

Thanks Kiszi..I'm very happy your boyszi like them!...